Since I decided that I want to be a writer, I've been so overwhelmed by the scope of what that actually means that I find myself frozen in the idea itself and not able to actually start doing it. I know the things I'm interested in and the kinds of pieces I would potentially like to write- ideas flow as I'm walking from class to class, in between tasks at work, while I'm cramming for an exam in a subject I don't care about- it's like I'm too busy learning how to be a writer or paying for how to learn how to be a writer that I'm not actually writing. Like now, for instance, I'm writing this post in my public speaking class because it's the first chance I've gotten since Tuesday. I think trying to focus on select topics would help ease my racing mind and channel my thought flow into something more productive than the vague abstractions about vegetarianism, feminism, pop-culture  and why they all matter that settle hopelessly in the limbo of the Notes app on the iphone that I take for granted (another topic for musing), slowly easing into a a complacent, stagnant existence. I'm ranting now, but I'm ranting because the assigned articles got me thinking- I may not know exactly how I see myself in a few years as a writer (in a few years, or as a writer), but I know the habits that I'll have to change to get anywhere, and I think I'm ready to get started, starting by focusing my attention and efforts on topics I care about (finally) and forcing the laissez- faire writing habits I've employed thus far in my dances with language and to evolve with me.      

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